My Countdown

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Locking in...

Did anyone sign anything when you locked in your intrest rate?  or was it just a verbal thing?


  1. It was verbal, then they sent us some sort of confirmation. But, we were able to renegotiate after we locked for a lower rate!! Yay us. What rate are you going to get?

  2. Ditto all RR post! (except we locked in at low rate and just stayed there)

  3. You re-locked Ravenna?!? We are wondering that because we just did a verbal on 4.25 the other day but now they are dipping even lower. We haven't signed anything yet. Im wondering if we can change the lock in if it continues to dip.

  4. We verbally locked a while ago and have yet to recieve the paperwork to sign. I wonder if we can re-lock at these better rates?

  5. Hello how did you re lock your rate lower ?

  6. @robert. I believe it has to be substantially lower than what you locked in at. like almost a full point lower.
