My Countdown

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Had pre-drywall meeting today.  Was rather uneventfull, which is good.  Only have a small change in the master bath as to where we are putting the cable rough in.  They installed the tub the opposite way as to how we wanted it so we had to move the TV to the other side of the room.  No biggie.

Lots of bussy little bee's there today...Guardian, HVAC, electic...the gang was all there!

I didn't take any pictures because I forgot my camera.  Ill take some later tonight.  We are going back up tonight to have some adult beverages with our new neighbors!


  1. OMG How fun!!!! I can't wait to meet you all (in person) and have beverages!!!

    On another note, I am meeting with a Disney manager on Monday for a job. Wish me luck :)

  2. I know!! Ii feel like we almost already know you! LOL

    Awesome!! What are you looking to do? Who are you meeting with?

  3. My heart is with the Catering and Conventions department. I have a ton of experience in banquets, hospitality and events and promotions; so that is my dream job with Disney. BUT... I just completed a full time management internship with Target so I have been considering Park Management.

    As for Monday, I am meeting with the Resort/Event Sales Manager.... I have a friend who works for him and she gave him my resume and he will be on the Rosen campus, so I am meeting up with him.

    Where abouts do you and your hubby work????

    BTW.... did you all go to the Moon Cricket for cocktails???

  4. I cannot wait until we get to that stage!!! It must be exciting. All we have right now is our dirt! LOL. Our PM said that they are suppose to be forming walls and pouring concrete next week, so we are definitely anticipating all that is to come. I am looking forward to your updates!
